Friday, February 1, 2013

Elle is 6 Months

I can already hear it now "There are so many more pictures of Elle than me". Well at least all of Lily's first few years are in albums. Sorry Bella's yours are still on the computer and scattered in boxes waiting to go in albums. Guess that's probably one of those "middle child" things, huh? When I was pregnant I bought scrap books and put all the keepsake things I wanted in the scrapbooks into tubs to put into the scrapbooks before the baby was born. Guess where they are now? Still in their tubs in the closet with the scrapbooks on top. At least I had good intentions, right? 
I actually thought a lot today about why I have taken the time to do so many more photos of Elle than Lily and Bella. I've always loved photography, I had taken classes before they were born. I decided it was confidence and experience. It was just a hobby then, I didn't have a business, I didn't pay attention to other photographers or think of new and different ideas then. I have several pictures of shoots I did with them, the white sheet in the background, a window for natural light, just very amateurish...which is what I was. I was learning. I'll make it up to them someday and shoot my grandchildren! You're a photographer if you didn't just flinch at that sentence!
Anyway, here are my favorites from Elle's 6 month session. I want feedback, which is your favorite? 

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