Whoa, how is it the end of May already? School is over today and I will have a 5th grader, 2nd grader and only 3 more years til a Kindergartner!
This Spring was very busy! The older two were both in Softball and that proved to be 5 weeks of craziness! So my Social Media has really gone by the wayside! I have a to do list a mile long, but I really wanted to take some time to share what I have been up to over the last month!
I had decided at the beginning of the year that I wasn't going to offer mini sessions as much this year. The reasons for this are probably for another blog! But something I've really been mulling over is Quality vs. Quantity. I like Quality...and the rest I will save for another day.
But there was one mini session I couldn't give up, the Mom and Me sessions! I had so much fun with these last year, so I had to do them again. I think it's really common for mom to be behind the camera and not in pictures. There are so many reasons for this. Capturing the moments for our children, but forgetting to include ourselves in those moments. We shouldn't do that, we should hand the cameras over to others more often!
I also know way too many moms (and women for that matter) that don't want pictures of themselves because their hair isn't right, they're make up isn't done, they're too "fat". I'm guilty of this myself. Guess what?! Your kids don't care...and when they're looking at old pictures with their children someday they aren't going to say "oh I wish mom hadn't been in that picture because she didn't put on her mascara that day!" What they are going to say is "wow, I wish I had more pictures of my mom and I". Go back and read my blog entitled "Why you shouldn't wait"
So here's just a glimpse of the results of my mom and me sessions! Make sure to look for them next spring! Or if I happened to inspire you enough to want to do a session soon, we could make that work!