If I wasn't a photographer, I'd be a musician.
Actually that's a lie, I have no musical abilities whatsoever. But I love music and secretly wish I had more musical talent!
So when Michael Myers, a local musician, called looking to set up a shoot to get some promo shots for himself and his daughter, I was stoked! I love doing new things and musicians are creative which means I can get a little more creative!
We headed out to Willow Creek where they had lived for many years. It was a gorgeous day and Michael and Cierra were naturals. I love how the same shot can look so different by smiling or not or turning it to black and white.
I listened to their CD while I edited this session, Cierra has an amazing voice and Michael compliments her very well. And that's all I have to say because my knowledge of music is pathetic other than I know what I like and I liked their sound!