I love Ghost Towns and have not been ghost town hunting in awhile. While I prefer the non-maintained ghost towns, like Comet or Elkhorn, I won't shy away from one that has a little help, because there's still old stuff there and it's still cool! The girls and I headed down to Bannack State Park today. We had a great time, Bella kept asking the whole way there, when we were going to see the ghosts and are they nice or mean ghosts. Not sure if she ever saw a real ghost or not, but it wouldn't surprise me if she did and had a whole conversation with one and didn't share with me! Here are a few photos from today. I usually tend to turn to Black and White, especially with these types of shoots, but tonight I wasn't feeling the B&W as much. What do you think?
My work is featured and for sale at the Side Saddle in Three Forks during the month of August! If you are local, please stop by and take a look. I've posted most of the photos available there! Let me know if you're interested in any prints and pricing!